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Ever since God created this stunning earth the climate has changed. Twelve thousand years ago, glaciers covered large portions of northern Europe, Canada and the northern United States. two hundred thousand years ago, the earth experienced an ice age. A hundred thousand years ago the temperature warmed up and the glaciers melted. And just five thousand years ago northern Europe had a warmer climate than today. Our climate is always changing.
So, why are people on the left declaring that climate change is the biggest threat to united states national security today? I don’t understand why this is even an issue because scientists have proven that our climate was changing long before the invention of automobiles and the industrial revolution. Both of these events increased the amount of man-made pollutants released into the air.
Yes climate change is real and has been real for thousands of years. However, when most of our politicians discuss this issue they misinterpret or ignore scientific facts.
Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the association of American Physicians and Surgeons, explains how senator Ted Cruz understands the science behind climate change and Americans need to listen in the following guest post.
Cruz explained that science is not a matter of belief or computer models or expert opinion, but of objective data and facts. The fact is that satellite data show no rise in atmospheric temperature for nearly 20 years.
Cruz tops the honor roll of those intelligent and courageous enough to confront fraudulent establishment pseudoscience. It is not surprising that a highly skilled lawyer and a neurosurgeon are leaders, and the career politicians are trust-and-parrot followers of politicized science and a global big-government agenda.
Cascia Talbert
Healthy moms Magazine
Ted Cruz Passes science Test; most Others Fail
Jane M. Orient, M.D.
image courtesy of
In an exchange with a heckler, Ted Cruz himself gives a masterful mini-lecture demonstrating his grasp of the essence of science, confounding the major media reports that he “flunks” a test aced by Democrats contending for the presidential nomination.
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At a lobster restaurant, a “climate activist” demanded that Cruz answer—yes or no—the question “Do you deny climate change?”
The form of the question is the equivalent of “Do you deny that the earth is round?” The implication is that if the answer is “yes,” you are a medieval flat earther, and thus unqualified to be President.
Cruz explained that science is not a matter of belief or computer models or expert opinion, but of objective data and facts. The fact is that satellite data show no rise in atmospheric temperature for nearly 20 years.
He also points out that in the 1970s some of the very same scientists were predicting an ice age—if we didn’t adopt the same remedy that they are demanding now: drastic cuts in the use of the fuels that power the world’s economy.
And since people hit with record winter cold are finding it hard to “believe in” global warming, the threat has morphed into “climate change.” It might be cold, or warm, or dry, or wet, or stormy, but it will be unprecedented disaster—if we don’t cut the use of carbon-based fuels.
Three different apocalyptic scenarios—too cold, too hot, and changing—but the same remedy.
Cruz didn’t mention a still earlier threat, again with the same remedy: that we would run out of “fossil fuels.” The very name implies a limited supply from dead dinosaurs and primeval forests. The fact is we have plenty of hydrocarbon fuels to last for a century or two, especially of methane, the main component of natural gas.
There truly is an emergency though. A political emergency. If the “climate” activists don’t get their way at the Paris climate summit now underway, their drive toward a global wealth-redistribution, energy-rationing bureaucracy might fail. What if the sun enters a phase of less energy output, as many predict?
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Obama is off to Paris, claiming that climate change is the greatest threat confronting humanity. Escalating tensions in Ukraine and the middle east could set off a nuclear war. There is widespread civil strife, and hordes of migrants (mixed with jihadis) areOvervældende Europa. Men klimaændringer er en drivkraft for konflikt, siger prins Charles – stadig et andet problem med den samme løsning.
Tilsyneladende er alle demokrater, der kører for præsident, enige med Obama. Associated Press havde otte forskere til at bedømme kandidaternes “videnskabelige nøjagtighed”. Hillary Clinton var stjernen i deres politisk korrekte skala og scorede 94, mens den tidligere Maryland -guvernør Martin O’Malley tjente en 91. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders fik kun 87; Han blev nedjusteret for “overdrivelse” under en af debatterne, da han foreslog, at Jorden kunne blive “ubeboelig.”
Den førende eksaminator var Michael Mann, bedst kendt for den “mand-fremstillede hockeypind”, som angiveligt beviser påstanden om hidtil uset hurtig opvarmning. Denne graf, der er baseret på “rekonstruktioner” efter hemmelige metoder til et begrænset sæt historiske “proxy” -data, såsom træringe, er roligt trukket tilbage fra officielle publikationer af FNs mellemstatslige panel om klimaændringer (IPCC). Dette er ikke blevet annonceret af de store medier.
Banden af otte inkvisitorer gav Cruz 6, Carson 13, Trump 15, Rubio 21, Fiorina 28, Paul 38, Kasich 47, Christie 54 og Bush 64 på deres Mann-fremstillede, opad-ned skala.
Der er en global kabal af statsfinansierede forskere på flere milliarder dollars, velhavende ikke-statslige organisationer (ngo’er) og crony-kapitalister, der tjener fra at ”finde” menneskelige forårsager klimaeffekter eller fra skattemæssige tilskud til upålidelige, økonomisk ikke-levedygtige, ellers uoverkommelige Erstatninger for de brændstoffer, der gør den moderne industri og velstand mulig. Deres elskede som Mann tyr til karaktermord i et forsøg på at dæmpe videnskabelige kritikere, der står over for tab af deres levebrød, besværlige “undersøgelser” og endda trusler om retsforfølgning for at tale.
Cruz topper æresrullen for de intelligente og modige nok til at konfrontere falske etableringspilder. Det er ikke overraskende, at en højtuddannet advokat og en neurokirurge er ledere, og karrierepolitikerne er tillid og parrot-tilhængere af politiseret videnskab og en global dagsorden for stor regering.
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Jane M. Orient, M.D. opnåede sine bacheloruddannelser inden for kemi og matematik fra University of Arizona i Tucson og hendes M.D. fra Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons i 1974. Hun afsluttede et internt medicinophold på Parkland Memorial Hospital og University of Arizona Tilknyttede hospitaler og blev derefter instruktør ved University of Arizona College of Medicine og en personalelæge ved Tucson Veterans Administration Hospital. Hun har været i solo privat praksis siden 1981 og har fungeret som administrerende direktør for Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) siden 1989. Hun er i øjeblikket præsident for læger for katastrofeberedskab. Siden 1988 har hun været formand for Public Health Committee of Pima County (Arizona) Medical Society. Hun er forfatteren af din læge er ikke i: sund skepsis til national sundhedsvæsen, og den anden til fjerde udgave af Sapiras kunst og videnskab om diagnose af sengen, udgivet af Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. Hun forfatter bøger til skolebørn og professor Klugimkopfs stavemetode, udgivet af Robinson Books, og coauthored to romaner, der blev offentliggjort som Kindle-professor Klugimkopfs gammeldags engelske grammatikbøger, Neomorts og Moonshine, mere end 100 af hendes papirer er blevet offentliggjort i den videnskabelige og Populær litteratur om forskellige emner, herunder risikovurdering, naturlige og teknologiske farer og ikke -hazards og medicinsk økonomi og etik. Hun er redaktør af AAPS News, The Doctors for Disaster Creparedness Newsletter og Civil Defense Perspectives, og er administrerende redaktør af Journal of American Physicians and Suists.
Link til dette indlæg: Om klimaforandringer , Ted Cruz består videnskabstest; De fleste andre mislykkes
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